Sunday, April 24, 2011

a new leaf

So I started this blog to figure out those handful of things that make me happy. I think I have found the ticket. I am really excited. I have been struggling for the past year with being overwhelmed in so many ways and constantly not feeling like myself. I've felt edgy and it's been so hard to feel happy. I feel like there is so much to say about what I learned over the past month, but in summation:
-God is GOOD!
-I need to focus on my calling: to serve women
-I need to focus on those things that are part of my calling and stop overloading my time with everything else
-I am so blessed, and I should be (and can be!) happy

So, I went to San Diego for a Women's Leadership Symposium with a bunch (not all!) of my favorite ladies from college and we had some really interesting conversations. One of which was about birth control. Being someone who concerned with empowering women and ensuring they are educated and well informed I want t make a shout out. Everyone (not just women) should understand how their bodies work. And women, especially, should understand their fertility cycle and how their body works, because 1. its amazing, and 2. it could save your life, you future, and the future of your children and so on.
I'm currently reading "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" its a great book on how our bodies work and how to avoid getting pregnant naturally without the need for pills, barrier methods, or devices. Or, if you are in that phase of your life (which I am not) it also tells you how to get pregnant.
Anyway, that's my soap box for today.

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