Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I'm gonna forget everything I wrote two days ago

So, already I am trying to bite off more than I can chew. I am a slave to my creativity and insane drive to do EVERYTHING. T$ and I were laughing about Hyperbole and a Half today and then we casually started talking about how the blogor (thats hip lingo I made up for a "blog author" quick! someone write a wiki article about it so people who don't use a dictionary will think it's a real word) quite her job and makes enough money from her blog to get by. Since i am quitting my job in a year anyway, I thought "I can do that! If I get enough followers now, then I can start making money off of the blog by next year to provide a pretty sweet cushion." Forget everything I said two days ago about just following my calling and not filling my time with a bunch of distractions. This doesn't count... So as I biked home and stopped by the grocery store to pick up my dinner this evening, I realized 2 things:
1. How quickly you resort back to bachelorette behavior when your husband is gone
2. I need a gimmick for my blog
Let's start with #1. So I needed to pick up milk because we ran out this morning. As I was picking up milk I realized I had no plans for dinner so I went down the frozen food isle to see what was what. I picked out a bag of frozen food that had a delicious looking picture on the package, included meat AND vegetables, and said it made 2 servings. I thought "oh great, i'll eat a serving tonight and have left overs for lunch tomorrow. totally worth $6, right?" This is how my bachelorette dinner turned out.
Classy, no?
After having a 2 minute argument with myself about whether to save the last little bits for lunch tomorrow, I ended up eating it all. 2 servings my butt!

#2. So what should be my gimmick? Should I even do this? T$ helped me brainstorm some ideas, which include:
  • write about food. is that too done? I kinda already do that.
  • have a goal like in Julie and Julia, where I try to accomplish something in a year. For example; I could try to see all of the curiosities in the Pacific Northwest in one year.
  • OR I could try to tie this blog into my calling by blogging about women's needs, resources for education, tips, tools, hot topics, things you should know, etc.
To top off my bachelorette evening I am going to bring my laptop to Starbucks, have a chai latte, and try to do some homework because I feel smarter there (and less lonely).

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