Monday, August 8, 2011

Upcoming Travel

I am so excited! I have three big trips coming up that are going to be amazing!
First: Buddy and I are chartering a 30ft catamaran and sailing around the San Juan Islands and Gulf Islands with 4 of our friends for a week
Next: I am going to my to my hometown to be my best friend's doula. This is going to be incredible. It will be one of those moments that mark a time of change that was inevitable, but you are never ready for. She has been my soul mate since middle school and I can't believe we are childbearing age! I am so glad that my calling can serve her through the first time she gives birth and also help her for a week or so post partum. I can't wait to see the little thing!
Finally: I am traveling to Monaco via Paris to spend some time with 3 dear girl friends. We all love food and adventure. Last time we did this we went to New Zealand and it was one the best trips of my life. I intend to use some of my Paris dining knowledge from "A Homemade Life" to eat well.
One of the above mentioned 3 ladies shared this video with me and definitely got me pumped up for the trip. Three friends travelled around the world and made one minute videos of their experiences. This one is about the food they ate. The creators also made two similiar videos called "Move" and "Learn"